Headliner Announcement: AMF 2024

We’ve had many people asking for an old school hardrock or heavy metal band. As you know we take input from our visitors very seriously and so we’re excited to share 2024’s headliner with you! Legendary Dutch hardrockers Vengeance will headline Achterhoeks Metalfest 2024, and their show will be a…

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Iranian metal band added to the 2024 line-up!

Confess are the third announcement for Achterhoeks Metalfest 2024! Read their story below, and stay tuned for the announcement of the 2024 headliner and one more act! Founded in Tehran, Iran, but now located in Norway, Confess will bring a fresh mix of Groove and Death Metal to Eibergen. Other…

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Deze Deense band komt naar Achterhoeks Metalfest 2023

aphyxion band foto

Deense melodische metallers APHYXION zijn bevestigd voor Achterhoeks Metalfest 2023! “APHYXION is niet degene die bezwijken aan genre-definities, en de release van hun derde volledige album ‘Void’ in 2019 markeerde de overstap van hun death metal erfgoed naar een meer hedendaagse metalc Iets creëren dat de band al naar een…

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